Time |
EMErs |
10,30-12,30 |
Official opening 13th EME Conference Palazzo Vecchio Salone dei 500 |
13.00-14.00 |
Lunch |
14,30-19,30 |
Lectures and coffee break |
EMErs | Time |
Lectures and coffee break | 09.00-12.00 |
Lunch |
12.30-13.30 |
Lectures and coffee break |
13.30-19.30 |
Gala DinnerParty Grand Hotel Mediterraneo |
20,30 - 24,00 |
EMErs | Time |
Lectures |
09.00-13.00 |
Brunch |
13.00-13.30 |
Conference Ends |
14.00 |
Dominique(HB9BBD) has volunteered his experience and his state-of-the-art Agilent gear to carry out noise figure and gain measurements on any preamp the attendees would care to take with them. This activity will take place on Saturday 9, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.,at the Conference site.
For a schedule of the presentations, pse click the button